Problem solved.

Category: News • August 26, 2022

The success or failure of any business is rooted in the strength of its team. At Solidus we are grateful to have an incredibly skilled, dedicated, and professional team of Field Superintendents who consistently go above & beyond the call of duty to help us reach our goals and our client’s expectations. When faced with scheduling challenges related to the installation of a mural for Dean Bank it was our veteran Field Superintendent, Gil Murray, who took matters into his own very talented and capable hands. After some negotiation with the painting contractor Gil enlisted the help of our Field Manager, Mike Bova, and together they prepped and painted the mural themselves.

It didn’t matter that this work didn’t fall under their job descriptions. They saw a problem, took initiative, and used teamwork to resolve it. The importance of contributions like this cannot be overstated and they’re a reminder of how lucky we are to have each other when the going gets tough.