Interview with Amaris Flemming

Category: Solidus at Play • June 1, 2021

You may notice a significant change to the website- namely the About section. All of our staff photos have been replaced with hand-done drawings by Amaris Flemming, daughter of our C.O.O., Brian Flemming. Jess, the branding designer, had the privilege of interviewing her and found her very bright and eager to learn and share her passion for art.


Jess: “How long have you been creating art?”

Amaris: “I was first inspired to start drawing on a regular basis when I was in 6th grade. One of my friends was really into painting and drawing, so she gave me my first sketchbook for my 12th birthday. After that, I made sure to draw whenever I could, during swim meets, when my brother had hockey games, and when I came home from school. If I’m feeling stuck, or if I have an “art block,” I can get inspiration from scrolling through Pinterest.”

Jess: “Do you have any favorite artists?”

Amaris: “I love seeing other people create art, and Pinterest is the perfect place to see those creations. I really enjoy seeing people design characters from comics or cartoons.”

Jess: “How old are you, and where do you attend school?”

Amaris: “I’m 14, and I attend King Philip Middle School. I’m going to Hall Highschool next year, where I’m planning on taking painting and drawing classes.”

Jess: “When you drew the Solidus staff, who was the most fun to draw? The most difficult?”

Amaris: “When drawing the Solidus staff, there were a lot of challenges. I sometimes found it hard to keep moving forward. Even though drawing all 30 portraits came with a few snags along the way–like when my skin tone marker dried up while drawing Chris Morris–I found it rewarding to complete another portrait. My favorite drawings were of Flora Perez and Nicole Dunn, but I found it harder to draw Charlie Miller and Lindsay Malley.”

Jess: “Have you thought about your career or future plans?” 

Amaris: “I want to look into veterinary work or graphic design when I’m older.”

…We can’t wait to see what this talented young lady does next!